Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Norma and the Snowman

I like this story in part because it has a happy ending but also because it shows the normalcy of the characters. I was very pleased to see that the bunny was not killed. I think it is significant that the rabbit is white and attains its freedom in the end. Perhaps it is an image of perfection. I also like Norma. She is not physically perfect but the idea of her and the idea of love gives off an idea of perfection and happiness. That even if something appears to be malformed it can still have the potential for perfection. Said who comes from the mountain, despite the sound of his military abilities seems to be more of a moral educator, a teacher or mentor of sorts and very mysterious.

I blogged on monday about some of the other stories form men in the sun. I was intrigued by the story about the horse as I have never heard a myth about a blood-stained horse before. In the defense of horses they do not attack people or behave aggressively without being provoked.


Sara said...

I found the horse story curious, too. I thought it was almost silly since the father let it affect his life so deeply.

John Novak said...

Did any one else notice that the graffiti in the last picture is in English? Curious...

Frankie E. Velazquez said...

I liked Said from Norma and the Snowman. At first when the men in the camp where the volunteer stays they describe him as this really tough and serious guy. But when he finally comes in he turns out to be a softy. I thought that was cool.

Dbrim said...

I definitely think the father died, but that's the nice part of the story, leaves it completely open for interpretation! :)

Sara said...

I love your pictures too, by the way.

Dray's Blog said...

The last pic is in english.. yes very curious.... The pics are amazing, sad but amazing