Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I read the passages from the Koran and did not find anything too surprising. I like the story of Mary's birth under the palm tree. Something different with a similar, but not the same, idea behind it. Many of the characters in the Bible are also in the Koran. We say the idea reiterated that there is only one god and that people must worship only that god, and preferably in an Islamic not a Judaic or Christian. I always wonder what is it about western religions that makes people think they have found the one and only right answer to the questions of the universe. Given the billions of people on the earth, the mysterious surrounding how and why the world came to be and the amazing power that stands behind that creation, I find it arrogant of people to think that they have found the "right" and "only" way to explain that mystery. And furthermore you must believe in that way lest you suffer consequences. Humans are notorious for thinking that we are not perfect and often knowing that "we are only human" so why is it that some of us think that we have found any answer to the unexplainable and it is not an answer that is all that flexible.

Anyway I am excited to go to the mosque today. I think there are important questions that can be asked of the people there and I also believe that it is very important for people to explore the religions of other cultures if we are ever to understand and coexist with those people who are different from us.

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